18 February 2010


This is all I will say about the phenomena of Avatar:
It was beautiful to look at and packed with emotion, Fern Gully, and Pochahontas. It also is apparently causing people serious depression when they take off the 3-D Glasses.
There has been an outcry online about how to deal with the "Avatar Blues." The answer is not James Cameron turning this into a trilogy. The answer is also not the obvious outbreak of idiots in blue that we're going to have to deal with on Halloween.
The answer to this phenomena is this:
The only viewers that are getting depressed after viewing Avatar are the mentally unstable who only derive meaning from what media outlets feed them. So, they take off their 3-D glasses and realize that they still work at McDonald's and don't like their wife and will never be a giant blue person that can hook its butt up to a flower and talk to it.
When we can get those link things though, sign me up. I'd hook myself up to a fridge and watch Jersey Shore all day.

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